Engine Orange Permalink
Before navigating to your ProQuest e-book, save your search results page by clicking on the "Share" button within Engine Orange, and copying the permalink URL. If you become disconnected from your search session, simply paste this URL into your browser to repopulate your search results.
To access your ProQuest e-book, please perform the following steps:
1) Clear your browser cache by pressing "Control + Shift + Delete" on your keyboard, and then clicking on the "Clear" button.
2) Navigate to ProQuest E-Book Central - Click Here
3) Within the "search e-books" search box, type in your title of interest, and click "Search". Once the title appears in the search results, click on the title to Read Online or Download the e-book.
Note: If you encounter an "Authentication Failed" message, please visit the library's Authentication Failed FAQ page for further assistance.