Answered By: Erin Owens
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2017     Views: 1731

You can search for theses and dissertations written by SHSU graduate students using the following methods:

  1. SHSU dissertations can be found in the "Dissertations and Theses @ Sam Houston State University" database. Many (but not all) will be available as full PDFs, especially from more recent years. 
    Please note: SHSU Master's Theses are NOT included in this database.
    - TIP: If you also want to find dissertations written at other universities, use the larger "Dissertations and Theses Full Text" database.
  2. The library catalog contains information on master's theses and dissertations available at the library: on the Advanced Search page, choose Thesis in the drop-down menu labeled "type." If you wish, you may also enter keywords to find theses or dissertations on a particular topic. 
    - Please note: Theses and dissertations ALL have the document type thesis and the subject heading dissertation. Due to this quirk, in most cases, you will NOT be able to tell from the catalog record whether a paper was written as a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation.
  3. The library's Digital Collections contain abstracts (that is, summaries) for a number of theses and dissertations written at SHSU.
    Please note: This is a selected (not a comprehensive) collection.
    • If you want to see only master's theses (rather than doctoral dissertations), you can click the Advanced Search option at the top of the page and search for the keyword "thesis." Only the abstract will be available online; to read the complete thesis, you would need to search for the thesis title in the library catalog, note the call number, and locate the print thesis in the library building.

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