Answered By: Erin Owens
Last Updated: Aug 20, 2019     Views: 315

Linking to records and search results in the catalog can be tricky, because you will NOT get the correct results if you simply copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

After searching for terms on the Advanced Search page, the easiest thing to do is to locate the desired record or a list of results, then click the Permalink button in the catalog's toolbar. A pop-up box will open. Just copy the link provided and paste it anywhere; it will be STABLE and will work both ON-CAMPUS and OFF-CAMPUS. Voila!


Just be aware: the link provided by the Permalink button is NOT stable if you use the Exact Search function (instead of Advanced Search) and then view the results for, e.g, an Author or Series index term. For these types of result lists, use the steps below instead: 

  1. Determine the most appropriate piece of metadata to link on;
  2. Highlight and copy the appropriate URL below;
  3. Replace the highlighted portion of the URL with the correct info for the book or search that you want to link to.
  4. For subject headings, titles, or other word strings, replace every space with a plus sign.






Call Number:{090}


Author - with a more unique name:{AU}

Author - with a more common name:,+John,+1722-1771{AU}

TIP: Special characters in author names, such as those in "Ra·hm¯an," should be removed.



Subject heading:{SU}



If you want to link directly to only one book and all these other options have failed to uniquely identify that record, you could try:


  1. On the catalog record tab, click Change Catalog Display and change "Full" to "All" and get the number labeled "key" (begins with oc);
  2. Copy the URL:{001}
  3. Replace the highlighted portion of the URL with the item's key number.

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