You have several options for computer use in the library building.
Room 200 is an IT@Sam computer lab with computers, 3 printers, 2 scanners, and ADA workstations. All computers in Room 200 have webcams. Get more information about IT@Sam labs on campus.
The Open Computing Area on the 1st floor provides desktop computers and 2 printers.
The Research Commons to the rear of the 2nd floor main lobby also provides about 10 computers and 1 printer.
These computers are intended for library research, including group work.
Unattended computers in this area will be reset after 10 minutes; unsaved data may be lost.
The ADA or Adaptive Technology Workstation, located opposite the Administration Office door on the 1st floor, provides visually impaired students with tools such as large-screen monitors, screen reading and magnifying software, and a CCTV video magnifier. Learn more about adaptive technology in the Library.
The library has a limited number of laptops with webcams available for in-library use. These laptops can be checked out at the Service Desk using your Bearkat OneCard (physical or digital).