Answered By: SHSU Librarian
Last Updated: Aug 21, 2020     Views: 213

Materials placed on reserve by a faculty member are housed in Reserves behind the Service Desk. (Faculty may request that items be placed on Reserve; learn more.)

Print reserves:

  • Includes books, CDs, and files containing book chapters, class notes, articles, tests, etc.
  • Checkout times are specified by the faculty member who has placed them on reserve, usually 2 hours.
  • Most can be used in the library building only.
  • Only 3 items may be checked out at one time.
  • Cannot be renewed.
  • Bearkat OneCard is required to borrow.

Electronic reserves:

  • Includes book chapters, articles, class notes, tests, etc.
  • Available online!
  • You must be an enrolled student, faculty, or staff to access this material.
  • Materials can be embedded directly into Blackboard, OR students will need a class password provided by their professor to access materials on the separate E-Reserves website.

Get more information or contact Reserves.

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